Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

I Want You To Hear The Good News!

StressDepression, Despair,
ContemplationUncertainty, Unfairness,
Hatred, Loss, Sadness..

Maybe your mind starts saying 'How should I deal with life?'
'Life is not fair'
'No one's listening to me'
'No one cares about me'
'No one loves me'

Well, you're not alone. In fact, I was just like you,
 ....before I heard the good news.
Now I'm refreshed, and so thankful of my life.

...And I want you to hear the good news as well.

Stop hurting yourself and take a moment to watch this video.

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

What If They’re… Mutants? [ X-Boy(FRIEND)s ] I Fan Fiction

Have you ever wondered, as a kid,

Do Fairies exist?

Do Superheroes exist?

Do Miracles happen?

Do fairytales come true?

You chuckled as your mind flew, flashing your childhood’s innocent thoughts.

Irrational unrealistic imaginative stuffs are silly. Not real.

But it was before. Before you found out..

That you’re a mutant.

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Foto-Foto Ramainya Lomba Menghias Telur Paskah Gerejaku (2011)

Di gerejaku tercinta, GBT Air Hayat Demak,
ada tradisi baru yang dilakukan tiap paskah.
Lomba menghias telur paskah. Asyik ^_^.

Hehe, sebenernya sih tradisi ini udah dimulai sejak tahun lalu,
Cuman, aku kan belom punya blog, 'n nggak sempet ngambil foto-fotonya.

Nah, mulai tahun ini, aku bakal ngepost di blog,
buat kenang-kenangan gitu lah.. ^_^

Hmm.. tahun ini, syarat dan ketentuannya :

Senin, 11 April 2011

Being Single = Kemiskinan atau Kemewahan???

Yes, I am. Recently.

Kalian tahu rasanya single?
Campur aduk. Kayak gado-gado lah.!
Ada mangkelnya, sedihnya, irinya, mupengnya,
tapi ada juga seneng plus bahagianya.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Mari Nangis, Ngguyu?

Mari Nangis, Ngguyu . . .
Mari Nangis, Ngguyu . . .

Ada yang tahu lagu di atas?
Nyanyikan aja pakai nadanya "Happy Birthday to You"

Happy birthday to you . . .
Mari nangis ngguyu . . .

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Dreams About Snakes... Believe It or Not? Part 1.


Banyak banget teori mengenai mimpi soal binatang serem nan unyu-unyu ini.

Ada yang bilang, kalau cewek mimpi ketemu ular itu,